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Submit a property to Wedgewood Homes

Complete this form and our team will reach out shortly. Terms and conditions apply.(1)

Please verify the information below:

Wedgewood typically purchases homes at a price less than 80% of ARV (purchase price / sales price), depending on location, condition and renovation.
By entering an estimate in this box you are verifying that the client has given you the right to negotiate pricing on their behalf.
Wedgewood typically purchases C4 and C5 homes, depending on property location and condition.
E.g., combo, supra, appointment, open house, etc.

Currently listed on the MLS. *

I am the listing agent. *

This is a wholesale property. *

I am the direct contract holder.

Maximum 30 files.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.
50 MB limit per form.

30 files can be uploaded to this field. 5MB limit per file, 50MB limit per submission; gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf only.

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(1)A cash offer is not guaranteed. Wedgewood considers a variety of factors, including location and condition of a property when evaluating making a cash offer. If a property does not meet our criteria, a cash offer will not be provided.